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The staff at All Sacred Tattoo Parlour are constantly evolving within the industry by learning new methods, ideologies, and appreciating the work that others do. With this level of attention, it’s no surprise that many of our clients return back to us for additional piercings time and time again. Your experience will be enjoyable and stress free — stop by today to see for yourself.

The legal age for body piercing without parent consent is 16 if you are under 16 a parent or guardian must be present. The legal age for nipple and genital piercing is 18. Please bring ID with you, we will accept passport or driving license.

All body piercing are performed with needle method. Please note gun method on lobes are only performed on children between the age of 5 years to 12 years old.
We only use high quality titanium jewellery in the studio.

Always wash your hands before touching your piercing. Piercing aftercare spray should be used to clean the piercing area twice daily for a minimum of 4-6 weeks – this time will be reflected by the healing time of your piercing, please adjust. Always ensure the piercing site and jewellery are kept dry after cleaning – pat dry with a folded piece of kitchen roll. DO NOT turn or rotate the jewellery or pick at ‘crusting’ around the piercing as this can cause damage to the healing tissue, resulting in a delay to the healing process. In a warm shower you can soak the piercing to remove dry ‘crust’. For tongue and other oral piercings, gargle 2 to 3 times a day Zero alcohol mouth wash. Whilst certain activities are not advised, a solution of anti-bacterial zero alcohol mouth wash and pre-boiled water (50/50) can be used after smoking, eating spicy foods, etc. to lessen the damage.
A piercing is a fresh wound. If kept clean and dry at all times, it will heal quickly and completely. If however, it gets dirty or is not cleaned regularly it may become infected. ,If you are in any doubt, your piercer or doctor can advise you on what treatment is suitable.
Some piercings can migrate (move through the skin) to some degree. In extreme cases this can lead to jewellery ‘growing out’ of the body altogether. Some piercings, (eyebrow, navel, tragus, surface, etc.) are more prone to migration than others, which can leave a small scar. If you notice any migration it is usually recommended to remove the jewellery before it has a chance to fully reject. Always see a professional piercer if you have any concerns.
Most piercings will swell to some extent, and we always allow some space on your jewellery to compensate for this. Note, Ibuprofen may help with swelling under a doctor’s advice. Occasionally, however, a piercing may swell more than usual and can be painful. If you suspect that your jewellery is too short to accommodate the swelling, or your piercing swells more than 2 to 3 millimetres – potentially leaving the jewellery partially embedded in the piercing, please return to the studio so that we can fit longer jewellery or discuss options to avoid any further complications. For tongue piercings, a long bar is always used for the initial piercing, this can be changed for a shorter one after approximately 2-4 weeks. You may find it helpful to have ice or ice lollies to suck to reduce the swelling.
Every 2-3 days you should check the tightness of the threaded balls on your jewellery. They can become loose from rubbing against clothes, skin, etc. and whilst cleaning the piercing. Make it a part of your cleaning routine to make sure the balls are secure. It may even be beneficial to carry a spare ball with you.
Trauma is caused by pulling, catching or sleeping on your piercing during the healing process and by chaffing of clothes by movement etc. The best advice is to wear loose fitting clothes in the early stages. Try to avoid tight waist bands and heavy belts in the case of navel piercings, and hair gel/spray/dye in the case or ear or eyebrow piercings. Do not apply make up to the surrounding area and please note that it is common for navel and nipple piercings to ‘puss’ for over a year. Cartilage generally has a prolonged healing process and bumps can form on these and nose piercings. See a professional piercer if you have any concerns about your piercing – the sooner a problem is detected, the easier it is to treat.
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